Monday 25 October 2010

Nuisance phone calls

Harry has, from a very early age, had a thing about telephones. He loves playing with mobiles and, if he gets the chance, the house phone.

At my mum’s, Harry’s even been known to call people using the redial button (which flashes green). On one occasion, my sister thought she was the victim of a nuisance phone call; it turned out it was just Harry heavy breathing on the other end of the line.

Now he’s started to talk more, he’s even more determined to get hold of the phone.

Last week, Melissa called me while I was at work and Harry managed to wrestle the phone off her. Harry and I then had a conversation of sorts, with Harry chatting away on the other end of the line. I’m not sure what he was trying to tell me but he was very excited.

It struck me again how quickly Harry is growing up – there I was sat in work talking to my son on the phone. It was another one of those ‘pinch yourself’ moments.

What’s even more entertaining, though, is watching Harry talking to somebody else on the phone. Harry’s obviously been studying me using the phone because, like me, he doesn’t stand still for a minute, preferring instead to walk around the room chatting away and nodding his head intently like an old man.

The problem comes when you try and take the phone off him; he just doesn’t want to let it go. Sometimes, for a quiet life, I let him carry on talking – goodness knows what Melissa will say when the bill arrives.

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