Tuesday 24 May 2011

Potty training part two

Harry’s potty training is going very well, and we’re now getting out and about again.

Post-nappy life isn’t without its challenges though. For instance before leaving the house now, I have to spend five or ten minutes trying to persuade, then bribe (chocolate buttons seems to do the trick most effectively), Harry to have a wee. To Harry this is one big game of course, which doesn’t make things any easier.

Then there’s the need for speed when Harry announces he wants his potty. I took him for a fairly long walk the other day and he managed to use his potty three times during the trek. On the first occasion, I only just managed to get Harry and his potty out of the pushchair in time. Crouching down on the side of a busy A5 was a first for me, but it didn’t seem to bother Harry at all. In fact, the only tricky bit was getting Harry back into his pushchair afterwards.

Being outdoors is one thing, though, and I was far more nervous about what would happen when I took Harry to an indoor play area.

So when we went last week, I admit I did consider putting Harry in a pull-up nappy before venturing on to the play equipment. My main worry was that Harry would decide he wanted the toilet when we were stuck at the top of the equipment.

However, my conscience got the better of me, and we braved it without the nappy – and it all went surprisingly well. It did cost me a flapjack to get him to go to the toilet at one point, but I was able – smugly, of course – to report to Melissa that there had been no accidents.

So Harry has taken to potty training pretty well. So well, in fact, that when I put him to bed (in a nappy) the other night, 15 minutes later he was shouting ‘Daddy, wee wee, quick’ at the top of his voice. I couldn’t ignore him obviously, but I’m sure this was just another part of Harry’s game.

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