Tuesday 16 August 2011

The conductor

I’M FAST learning that it’s difficult to have secrets when you’re a parent.

Harry is quite happy to tell anybody – including perfect strangers – everything. Most of the time, this isn’t particularly interesting but at times it can be quite embarrassing.

Earlier this week, for instance, I arrived home from work and Harry ran over to me telling me how he’d got a poorly leg. It turned out he’d fallen over earlier in the day and grazed his knee – but there was no way he was going to let his mum get away without telling me.

I had been caught out in similar circumstances a couple of days earlier when Harry told Melissa how he’d fallen off a chair while I was making his tea. As I say, you can’t get away with anything.

On Saturday, when we visited Chirk Hospital Fete, Harry was absolutely mesmerised by Ifton Colliery Band.

As soon as the band started playing, Harry began waving his arms to mimic the conductor, singing Ten Green Bottles at the top of his voice, even though that particular song wasn’t part of the band’s repertoire.

He refused to move until they had finished playing, whereupon he started asking them to play Happy Birthday for daddy. “It’s daddy’s birthday soon,” he pleaded. As I say, there’s no escape.

Eventually, we managed to distract Harry by promising him a ride on the Glyn Valley Tramway Trust’s train. We did have a great time at the fete, though, and Melissa even picked up a second for her damson jam. Not that Harry noticed; by this time was back in front of the band waving his arms and singing Ten Green Bottles.

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