Friday, 16 July 2010

He's a little charmer

I’m constantly surprised by how clever babies are – and Harry is no exception. He is a right little charmer and, even if he’s been making mischief for hours on end, when he’s introduced to strangers he invariably starts behaving like a little angel.

When we were on holiday a couple of weeks ago, Harry had people cooing over him everywhere we went. In cafes, he would smile at people before pretending to be shy and burying his head in mine or Melissa’s shoulder. Of course, this would attract plenty of ‘oohs’ and ‘aahs’ and Harry would soon be waving, shouting and generally entertaining everybody around us.

On the surface, this might seem perfectly innocent behaviour from a 17-month-old but there’s more to it than you think. On one occasion, a friendly lady sitting next to us in a café gave Harry her biscuit, which pleased him no end.

And when we visited Melissa’s nan at Stansty House care home in Wrexham last week he soon had both staff and residents smiling at his antics. His reward was sandwiches and a dessert courtesy of the very friendly staff. Harry, of course, was over the moon.

Whatever his motivation, though, I certainly prefer it when he behaves himself, particularly if we’re eating out. There was an uncomfortable moment in a restaurant we visited recently when Harry decided to start throwing his food around.

At home, this is a common occurrence at the moment as Harry is learning how to feed himself using a spoon and food sometimes goes in astray in the journey from plate to mouth. In the restaurant, however, an elderly couple found themselves in the firing line and they weren’t particularly impressed.

Thankfully, though, such incidents are pretty rare. It certainly makes you think twice about eating out though.

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