Friday, 27 July 2012

Keep quiet... impossible!

Trying to keep Harry quiet is practically impossible. And since James was born, his volume has, if anything, increased.

This became painfully obvious at the weekend when James was Christened at St Mary's in Chirk. Trying to explain why it's important to be quiet in church is not easy and the harder we tried to keep Harry quiet, the louder he got.

To begin with, Harry was very good and sat quietly. However, after the first hymn he decided that he'd had enough of being quiet and started to talk loudly. Then he decided he was going to sing nursery rhymes.

Glares from Melissa and myself didn't do the trick and neither did whispered warnings through gritted teeth. By the time the second hymn started, Harry was singing London's Burning at the top of his voice. Thankfully the vicar, Rev Tony Rees, was unperturbed, even when Harry announced loudly that he needed the toilet and had to be hurried away quickly by Melissa's sister.

In contrast, James was perfectly behaved throughout, sleeping during the first part of the service before waking up just in time for the baptism itself and - surprisingly - resisting the temptation to shout when the vicar poured water on his forehead. Instead, he just looked quizzically at the vicar as if to say: “What on earth are you doing?”

Of course, it will be a different matter in a couple of years time when I fully expect James to be every bit as loud as Harry. I think I might invest in a set of earplugs.

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