Tuesday 28 April 2009


THIS week has been a week of major progress. Harry has started sleeping through the night.

I’ve said before that we’ve been lucky with Harry. After the first couple of weeks, he settled into a routine of just one night feed, which was certainly manageable and far better than I expected.

To be honest, the night feeds weren’t too bad (although Melissa might well have a different perspective given that I was only doing two nights a week – Friday and Saturday – compared to her five).

These feeds always seemed to follow a similar pattern: wake to the sound of Harry crying/grumbling; fumble round for a bottle in the dark; drop the bottle on my foot; swear; battle to get the bib round Harry’s neck; give up; then, finally, feed while trying to keep my eyes open.

Thankfully Harry had usually fallen asleep before the end of the bottle so, after winding him of course, he’d be back in his cot and I’d be asleep again within the hour.

But last Tuesday Harry slept through the night without feeding. We put him down at half nine and, although he did stir a couple of times, he didn’t wake up for a feed until about just after six the next morning.

I must admit, I thought it might just be a one-off but, sure enough, the following night he slept through again.
It was one of those too-good-to-be-true moments and Melissa and I are still celebrating more than a week later.

I’ve heard stories from friends about babies who sleep through the night almost from the word go. While that would have been nice, 13 weeks of night feeds isn’t bad. Now if I can just train him to have a lie in at the weekend…

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