Wednesday 11 November 2009

Remote control

I’ve often heard people say how clever babies are. Of course, I think everything Harry does shows just how clever he is – but then I’m biased and I’m pretty sure every parent thinks the same.

In any case, Harry continues to amaze me with his ability to grasp things so quickly.

Harry has, for a good while now, been obsessed with our Sky remote control. He is forever trying to grab it, particularly when he thinks we’re not paying attention. Sometimes, he will climb onto me as if he wants a cuddle, only to make a desperate dive for the remote at the last second.

When Harry does manage to get his hands on it, he starts chewing it immediately, channels flicking away in the background, while looking extremely pleased with himself – at least until we wrestle it back off him.

It’s a constant battle and neither side is prepared to give up. This week, though, we thought we’d made some progress when Melissa came up with the bright idea of giving him the remote control for an old television that we no longer use.

Initially Harry seemed happy enough with his new toy but he soon got tired of it. I’m not sure how he worked it out, but he seemed to realise this wasn’t the remote he was really after. Suddenly, he was hunting the Sky remote – and the battle started all over again.

So our bid to deceive Harry failed miserably. Perhaps that’s a lesson for us; after all, if he can see through us at the age of nine months, what’s he going to be like in another two or three years?

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