Tuesday 16 February 2010

In the Night Garden

Before we had Harry, I was very naïve about what being a parent involved. Specifically, I didn’t really appreciate that looking after a little one is relentless.

Just to make it completely clear, I’m not complaining at all. I love spending time with Harry, particularly now he’s getting a bit older and starting to enjoy games.

However, there is nowhere to hide with a one-year-old on the loose and it certainly means you appreciate the peace and quiet when he goes to bed at night.

Incidentally, we’ve now discovered that Harry really likes books. He will sit quietly with a book for ten minutes or more, turning the pages and looking at the pictures, before returning to the more pressing task of tearing around the house creating chaos.

I have to confess, though, that both Melissa and I do allow Harry to watch the television to give us a little bit of a break from time to time.

Before he was born, I didn’t think we’d allow Harry to watch television at such a young age but it is a very useful way of calming him down, particularly before bedtime.

Harry’s only allowed to watch the television for half an hour or so each day and, because it’s a treat for him, it often does the trick if he won’t settle down.
His favourite programme is In The Night Garden and I’ve become a bit of a fan too. This means I’m now an expert in all the characters, Iggle Piggle, Upsy Daisy, Makka Pakka, and the Titifers (stop sniggering, they’re birds), as well as their preferred choice of transport, the Ninky Nonk and the Pinky Ponk. It’s a whole new world.

Harry loves it. As soon as he sees Iggle Piggle, he jumps up and claps his hands in anticipation of the signature song. It’s lovely to watch. Unfortunately for me, the songs happen to be quite catchy and I often find myself humming them in work, which can be a little embarrassing.

It could be worse though and, as I say, I quite enjoy the programme anyway. Altogether now, Iggle piggle, iggle onk, we’re going to catch the Ninky Nonk!

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