Thursday 11 November 2010

Hands off my CDs

I’ve just learned another valuable lesson: don’t leave Harry alone with anything you want to keep safe.

Now I know what you’re going to say: surely that stands to reason. You’d be right of course, but earlier this week I got complacent and paid the price.

The thing is, Harry’s determination to chew, tear and generally destroy everything has waned in recent weeks.

So when I left him watching Chuggington on my computer, I didn’t give a second thought to the fact that I’d left a CD within grabbing distance.

When I returned to check on him a minute or two later, the CD was back on the desk in front of the computer – in almost exactly the same place it had been originally. The only difference was the cardboard sleeve was now in several pieces.

Harry was smiling angelically at me and when I told him off, he just chuckled. It didn’t help that Melissa was stood behind me, also laughing. So while I was trying to explain to him why tearing daddy’s CD cases was not wrong, Melissa simply said: “You shouldn’t have left it there in the first place.”

She was right of course but that didn’t help. Anyway, Harry had obviously worked out I wasn’t best pleased, however, because he came up to me and cuddled my leg, saying ‘awww’.

Rather than saying sorry, though, I think this might have had more to do with trying to shut me up – Harry had obviously had enough of me talking about CD sleeves.

When I returned home later the same day I spotted our house phone in pieces, balanced on a radiator. When I asked Melissa what had happened, she sheepishly admitted Harry had managed to grab the phone and throw it in the bath. Obviously I wasn’t the only one being complacent that day.

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