Friday 16 May 2008

Isn't the web great?

Isn't the web wonderful? Using the internet is now second nature to many of us, and it's easy to take it for granted, but it really has revolutionised the access and delivery of information.

It's also made many previously taxing occupations easier. Shopping online, for instance, is a far more convenient, not to mention cheaper, way to shop.

It's also made it easier to keep in touch with people - and renew old acquaintances. I resisted the Facebook phenomenon for ages, then finally gave in, and now I am a convert. Melissa, who has very little interest in technology, is addicted to Facebook and seems to spend most mornings updating her profile, status, friends and so on.

If you'd have told me 10 years ago that's how I would be keeping in touch with people, I'd have reacted with horror. That really is a revolution.

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