Friday 15 August 2008

What's happened to summer?

Like most people, I'm thoroughly miserable about our weather we've been subjected to over the last couple of weeks.

It's cost me important cricket matches, prevented me from sitting outside my local and enjoying a pint and, worst of all, has stopped me spending time in my beloved veggie patch while the weeds multiply at a terrifying rate.

However, the wet weather has also thrown up one unexpected bonus - I'm not jealous of my colleagues taking holidays in July and August.

As with most businesses, there's always a rush to book holidays during the summer holidays with the place resembling the Mary Celeste at times as a result. Normally, this makes me grumpy because I tend to take my holidays at other times.

This year, though, the bad weather means I don't feel I'm missing out - sitting in an office all day when it's pouring down is much easier than sitting in an office all day when it's glorious sunshine outside.

I've got a week off at the end of September. Hopefully, the weather will be fantastic and all of my colleagues will hate me.

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