Monday 8 December 2008


The winter is always a funny time of year for us editorial-types on the Leader. Why's it funny I hear you ask?

Well, we drive to work in the dark (newsdesk start at 6.45am) and we drive home in the dark. In fact, my office doesn't have any windows, so I can go for days at a time without natural light.

Now I'm not after sympathy here; I enjoy my job and, frankly, there are far worse ways to make a living.

However, it does mean that weekends are something of a shock to the system when we emerge, blinking, into daylight wondering where we are and what time it is.

It also makes you appreciate weekends all the more, particularly when we enjoy weather like we did this weekend - frosty and bright.

Without sounding too healthy, it's the sort of day that makes you want to jump out of bed and go for a walk. And call for a pint in the local, of course.

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