Friday 5 June 2009

All change at feeding time

There's never a dull moment when you're a parent. As soon as you think you've cracked it, everything changes and you're back to square one.The latest dramatic change in Harry's life is feeding.

Now Harry's quite a big baby - he's put on weight regularly since he was born and is now around 20lbs, despite being only 21 weeks old. But this means he's hungry and his bottles just aren't enough for him. So we've now started him on a teaspoon of baby rice with his midday feed.

When we first tried it (bank holiday Monday), Harry screamed as if we'd tried to poison him and spent the next couple of hours looking hurt and making us feel guilty. But thanks to Melissa's persistence, by the end of the week he was thoroughly enjoying his rice and was back to being a happy, settled baby once again – and sleeping through the night, thankfully.

Being in work meant that I'd missed out on most of his progress so last weekend I was really looking forward to seeing him eat (this is the kind of thing that gets me excited these days).

And I have to say, it was magical. Of course there was a bit of mess, but I was amazed at how well he took the food from the spoon and resisted the temptation to spit it straight back out (I've tried some of this baby rice and believe me, I wouldn't have blamed him if he had). Eating's not the only big news this week. Harry has also learned how to roll on to his side. Admittedly this doesn't sound particularly exciting but, having been used to Harry lying on his back, immobile, since he was born, this is a pretty major development.

He’s also found his feet – literally. He will now quite happily spend hours on end grabbing his feet. I can’t see the attraction, but then I’m not supple enough to grab my own feet while sitting down these days, so maybe I’m just jealous.
Either way, I can’t wait for Harry to start moving around properly, although that promises to bring a whole new – stressful – dimension to parenthood.

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