Friday 19 June 2009

Five months on... and I'm still enjoying it

Harry is five months old today – and the time has simply flown by. Looking back, I’m amazed how quickly you adjust to the massive changes in your life, and how much you learn in a relatively short space of time.

Take nappies. When Harry was born, I was incredibly clumsy with nappies and the result was that Harry would often wake up damp. Now I’m a dab hand at changing him, even though I say so myself.

Sleep has also changed markedly. When Harry was born, we were up once or even twice a night to feed and change him; now we’re grumpy if he wakes early and disturbs us.

As you become more familiar with the day to day demands of being a parent, you also learn to relax a bit more too. When Harry was born, I couldn’t imagine leaving him with anybody except Melissa; now I’m quite happy when he stays with his grandparents.

There’s no doubt that having children changes your perspective on life. As I’ve said before, it does make you soft; last week, Harry managed to roll onto his front and Melissa phoned me – right on the Evening Leader deadline – to tell me. I’d have done the same – the smallest development is big news when you have a baby.

As for Harry himself, he’s great. He’s getting bigger, stronger and more alert by the day. He’s also more demanding – and if you’re not paying him enough attention, he’ll happily let you know by way of a loud scream.

He’s started playing a lot more too. At the moment, Harry’s favourite game is grabbing your fingers and trying to eat them, and he’s generally much more responsive when you talk to him – smiling, giggling and laughing – which really does make you feel like the most important person on earth.

So, after five months, I’ve only good things to say about being a parent; and before you say it, I’m sure I’ll still feel the same when Harry’s a teenager.

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