Tuesday 6 April 2010

Getting some understanding

It’s surprising how quickly toddlers pick things up. Harry is learning all the time and can now understand (some) instructions. For instance, if I ask him to bring me the ball, he will go off, find it and throw it at me.

I know it sounds a bit like training a dog, but it’s enormously satisfying when he understands what you’re trying to say. Harry’s also started trying to answer us, which is great, even if he’s only managing one or two recognisable words at the moment.

He has other ways of making understand what he wants too. At night time, for instance, when Harry’s ready for bed he’ll walk to the living room door and hold his arms out for me to take him up.

Now that Harry is beginning to understand us more, it’s time to begin the difficult task of telling him off when he does something naughty.

I have to say, I’m finding this difficult. The other day, Melissa was sat on the sofa while Harry and I were playing on the floor. Harry then wandered over to Melissa and put his head on her leg before biting her, viciously.

Melissa was shocked and told Harry off sternly. He smiled sweetly back at her, although I’m sure he knew he had done something wrong. Unfortunately, I found it difficult to keep a straight face.

Of course, the tables were turned a couple of days later when Harry decided to hit me in, how can a put this, a rather delicate area, with one of his toys. In between gasping for breath, I managed to say ‘naughty boy’ while Melissa collapsed in fits of laughter next to me.

Anyway, both Melissa and I are now making a conscious effort to be stern with Harry when he’s naughty. Something tells me it’s not going to be easy.

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